Book Projekt

I am working on our newest book, “This is Journey Management”.
Like with the previous books, we strive to co-create it together with the global Journey Management community. If you would like to contribute cases, write parts, and/or review chapters, sign up! We're opening up our manuscript for further co-creation  in 2024 ...

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Draft cover of 'This is Journey Management'

Course overview


This is Journey Management – Online 2024-11

3x 3-hour online course
Zoom & Mural

Journey Management (SDN Academy course)

3x 3-hour online course
Zoom & Mural

How to manage multiple agile projects or even an agile organization?

Unfortunately, silos persists in agile-land.

Agile projects often still lack a shared language, mutual tools, or a common perspective between all involved teams and departments. Each organizational silo, such as teams, departments, disciplines, work in a different way with a dedicated language and incompatible set of software tools.

This makes true agile working very hard.

Managing one such project is a challenge; understanding overlaps and contradictions between many agile projects is really hard. If you’re looking for a way to handle this and drive customer-/employee-centricity in your organization, Journey Map Ops might be what you’re looking for …

Transform Experiences with Journey Maps


Need to pitch this to your colleagues?

Here are some slides that might help you.

Download our slides for free.

Why invest?

No matter if you’re completely new to journey maps or if you’re a veteran in journey mapping, using journey maps as a visual customer-centric management tool requires a specific set-up and governance structure. When implemented correctly, it can help you to keep an overview of ongoing and planned initiatives in your organization as well as a repository of past projects including previous journey maps and research data.

Journey Management
enables you to

  1. Keep a hierarchy of maps that are always up-to-date
  2. Build a repository of previous projects and research data
  3. Coordinate all projects in your organization with impact on CX/EX
  4. Find old projects and build new projects on existing data
  5. Actively build bridges between organizational silos

What do you need to bring

  • A team of 3-15 people who are interested in trying and installing Journey Map Ops in your organization
  • No previous knowledge on journey mapping needed, but, of course, it is helpful
  • Approx. 4 hours per week work time between the workshops and council meetings
  • Meeting room with stable internet connection, video and audio setup for video calls